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The Mind

CUTA offers a range of insightful teachings books that are specifically focused... 

The Body

CUTA offers a selection of teachings books that specifically focus on the... 

The Spirit

CUTA is dedicated to providing teachings books that focus on the spirit... 

The Emotional Causes of Diseases

This book provides the reader, whether they are a professional in the healing arts, or a student, client, who wants to learn about health, or bring themselves back to physical and emotional balance and harmony. In each condition the medical understanding, in lay terms, provides insights to the condition.

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About Michael Schwartz, ND

Michael Schwartz, ND, is a Wholistic Naturopath and the founder of MH (Michael's® Health Naturopathic Programs). With extensive experience in naturopathic healing, psychology, and theology, he offers insights into holistic health through his work, podcasts, and writings. Emphasizing the principles of naturopathy and the power of symbols, Michael's teachings aim to guide individuals towards self-realization, personal growth, and a balanced, harmonious life.

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